ASID’s MakeYour40 Runner Up!

March 8, 2017 in blog, Personal

In March of 2015 I became a student member of ASID (American Society of Interior Designers) as a Design Ecademy student studying HND in Interior Design and Interior Architecture. Soon thereafter, there was an invitation from ASID to design a ’40’ using physical and/or digital materials for their 40th anniversary. It was instant inspiration for me and I produced and submitted mine the same afternoon I saw the call for entries.

The story behind the image: My real life drafting tools (scale ruler, triangle, drawing pen, magnifying glass lamp) that I have been using and continue to use for my Design Ecademy school assignments. The floor plan seen behind the lamp is one of the actual drawings that were part of my final project for Stage 1 of the HND course.

I placed all items onto a white board on my drafting table and played around with the setup for a little while that afternoon.

Experiments Collage, #MakeYour40

I experimented with different lighting/shading and various arrangement adjustments, and it was not long before I had a winner image out of about 80 photographs that I took.

Final Configuration, #MakeYour40

A few photo corrections later, a simple frame, and the final version was ready for submission. I titled it “A Tribute to the Tactile Tools” to honour the tried-and-true physical means to design that continue to be in use along with the massive digitalization of each and every way that we work and create in the present day.

Ready For Submission, #MakeYour40

Here are a few happy memories snapshotted during the contest:

Contest Memories #1, #MakeYour40

Contest Memories #1, #MakeYour40

And upon the winners’ announcement:

Contest Memories #1, #MakeYour40

This was my first attempt at a contest of this kind, and it was an exciting ride. Along the way, I received a lot of support and encouragement from my communities, including the Design Ecademy’s Facebook group, and I am trilled to have been announced a runner up among the winners. I am very grateful to all who helped make this possible and to ASID for providing this inspiring opportunity to the creative crowd. ♦

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